• of criminal misappropriation of property | |
के: K beyond between disentitle except from OF | |
आपराधिक: criminally criminal culpable | |
आपराधिक दुविनियोग: criminal misappropriation आपराधिक | |
के: K beyond between disentitle except from OF | |
के विषय: about के K beyond between disentitle except | |
के विषय में: after concerning as regards as to in matter of in | |
विषय: argument object science study respect article | |
विषय में: in this case FOR in respect of pertaining to re | |
में: within by between afield among IN amidst into in | |
सपंत्ति के आपराधिक दुविनियोग के विषय में in English
[ sapamti ke aparadhik duviniyog ke visaya mem ] sound: